“Build the city you want live in.“

Battista Vecchio always dreamed of doing something different. He’d been a restaurateur in the late 1990s, alternating that with government work and being a parent, but something always pulled him back towards the world of food. Perhaps it was his Italian heritage, or perhaps it was something about the cinderblock former car garage building he owned on Edmonton’s 118 Ave that pulled him in. Regardless, these two factors collided and gave rise to Battista’s Calzone Company, which opened in October 2010.

Edmontonians were wowed by Battista’s hand-made, from-scratch calzones, the likes of which the city had never seen. Battista has a great team around him including the Venetian-born bike lover Simone, soccerstar daughter Erika, Porsche driving bestie Doug, national dodgeballer Shawn, and too many other great people to count that keep the shop lively. Today, Battista’s Calzone Company is proud to be Edmonton’s original calzone shop and still makes each individual calzone from scratch, just like in the old country.